Bill's Page o' Sounds
Bill's Page o' Sounds
There are already plenty of sound files out there on the WWW. Chances are, if you were looking for the sound of photon torpedoes or a falling anvil, you've already found it somewhere else. Here are some of the more unique sound files I've found out there. Hopefully, you'll find a few of them useful.
- 'Tis the Season - A Christmas message from Beavis.
- Boing - The name pretty much explains it.
- It's Just a Flesh Wound - Not real useful for anything, but a good one, nonetheless.
- Holodeck - This one's pretty common. However, it's a great Windows Start sound effect.
- Whoopie - That's what it was named whereever I got it. That's as good a description as any.
- Oh Oh! - Great for testing your stereo speakers. It goes left to right.
- Poop! - The holy grail of Beavis & Butthead wav files. It took me forever to find this.